Thursday, September 19, 2013

Love in Your Later Years: 10 Sex and Dating Tips for Seniors

Dating among the senior set is becoming more popular thanks to online dating sites for retirees and a more liberal acceptance of senior sexuality. Seniors may have a lot of experience under their belts, but they’re also up for new adventures and relationships. This list of 100 sex and dating tips is just for seniors, from the casual dating crowd to grandmas looking for love.
Getting Back in the Game
Dating again after a divorce, death or just a long slump can be overwhelming. There are new rules to the game, but that doesn’t mean you have to be left out. Check here for tips on getting back on your feet.
  1. No excuses: Don’t cheat yourself of love in your later years by telling yourself that you’re too old or too out-of-date to have a good time. You don’t have to be the cutting edge serial dater you were in your 20s, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have the right to find someone who makes you happy.
  2. Remember how much fun you used to have: Get out of the house and surround yourself with friends and contemporaries when you’re feeling low.
  3. Start off slow: Ease yourself back into dating by attending group events at community centers you’re familiar with.
  4. Don’t overdo it: Staying out all night or all weekend may have been easy back in the day, but keep yourself in check when you’re first starting to date again.
  5. Dating After Loss of a Spouse: Read Elaine Williams’ blog entry about grieving for a spouse and understanding when you’re ready to move on.
  6. Be open minded: The rules may have changed a bit since you were dating, so be open minded about modern dating etiquette.
  7. Stay true to yourself: You’ve kept your morals and your opinions this long, so don’t sacrifice everything you know for a new beau.
  8. Don’t abandon your past: If you’re afraid that a new boyfriend or girlfriend will make you forget your family or past relationships, have a discussion with that person to let them know that you’ll always remain close to your past and that a new relationship doesn’t entail leaving them behind.
  9. Don’t take it so seriously: Getting back in the game can be nerve wracking at first, but just remember to have fun, explore your options and stay true to yourself.
  10. Moving On After a Relationship Break-Up: This article offers more tips for moving on to another relationship after a break-up, divorce or even the death of a loved one.

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